Re: [NTLK] Windows serial problem

From: Andy Hill <>
Date: Tue Apr 25 2006 - 18:16:32 EDT

Hi David
I know this might be overly obvious but have you checked that the
correct Comm Port is chosen in NCU on the Toshiba.
Go to NCU, Newton, Settings and just check the Comm Port number. I had a
similar problem as you describe until I changed this.

Also make sure on the emate that when you tap on Dock that 'Serial' is
chosen, not Serial -2400, or Serial 4800 or Serial 9600

(Basic suggestions from a beginner only)

David Kennedy wrote:

>Dear listers
>My emate300 connects to NCU on my SE/30 via Appletalk very nicely. I'm now
>attempting to connect it to NCU on a 266Mhz Toshiba laptop via serial. The
>Toshiba has only one serial port, and I've plugged in a regulation DIN8 to
>DB9 cable. I'm using the 38400 default speed.
>But NCU won't connect via Serial, and it doesn't seem to matter if I use
>Slowdown or not. Shifting down to 9600 makes no difference either.

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