Hi, all,
I keep my Big Idea Lists on my Newton, available for when I need to
think through a project. I'm in academia, deadlines are a weird
thing, and this amorphous list making is perfect using Outlines on
the Newton.
I export using NewtSync, both to straight notes and to OmniOutliner
Often, I take the OO files, open them, export to an OPML (Outline
Processor Markup Language) format, and open the OPML file in a
program called MyMind, which lets me make very handy mindmapping-like
charts. That visualization really helps me get a handle on what is
going on in a given project, and I can share .jpg file versions of it
with others who are involved in the project.
I know this sounds complicated, and most of it happens on the OS X
side of things rather than the Newton side. What I am wondering is if
there's a way to send Newton Outlines to the desktop not as
OmniOutliner files but as OPML files. It seems to be more sensible to
have that format (readable by many outliner programs) than to use OO,
open, export to OPML, and then move on.
I suppose this would require a new NewtSync plugin, and I don't know
how to write those. Does anyone have a hint on how to do this?
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