I've been using SimpleMail for a few weeks now via modem, but that
seems to be coming to an end as my mail-getting is slowing to the
point of unusability.
I haven't made any changes that I can remember, except"
I'm filtering out messages from my most active newsgroups, and
I'm filtering out messages over 20K in size, and
I've set SimpleMail to browse, rather than download, unread messages.
I connected at 10:50. SimpleMail looked for messages until 11:00 or
so, at which point it started browsing. Now at 11:17 it has browsed
3 of 91 messages.
I haven't checked the modem as I don't have another one to swap out.
Anything obvious I should be looking for? I've got about a meg of
internal and about 5 megs of card memory to work with at present.
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