Are you using the internal store or a memory card loaded with Paul's ATA driver?
- Joe SOlin
On Wednesday, August 09, 2006, at 10:22AM, Jim Felder <> wrote:
>I've been using SimpleMail for a few weeks now via modem, but that
>seems to be coming to an end as my mail-getting is slowing to the
>point of unusability.
>I haven't made any changes that I can remember, except"
>I'm filtering out messages from my most active newsgroups, and
>I'm filtering out messages over 20K in size, and
>I've set SimpleMail to browse, rather than download, unread messages.
>I connected at 10:50. SimpleMail looked for messages until 11:00 or
>so, at which point it started browsing. Now at 11:17 it has browsed
>3 of 91 messages.
>I haven't checked the modem as I don't have another one to swap out.
>Anything obvious I should be looking for? I've got about a meg of
>internal and about 5 megs of card memory to work with at present.
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