On 8/11/06, Andrei Chichak <newton@chichak.ca> wrote:
> >I think it's doable,
I'm Glad you give me some support.
> The trick here is to get the system working first of all.
Electroauto sells a complete kit ready to wire into a battery farm, so
far as that is concerned I just have to write the check and gut the
existing car of the engine, pin the transmission into second gear,
modify the instrument cluster (which they provide instructions and the
hardware to do so for the OEM dash gauges) and I'm off. 3-5 day
install, max. I'm only considering this, and considering improving it
with regenerative braking (found in a 81 Rabbit "voltswagen" as it was
referred to) and solar panels (seen this one one to two very custom 3
and 4 wheel electric cars made from scratch) to give me the most bang
for the buck. I am only interested, given this will be a 4 person at
most project, in the complexity of using the Newton for monitoring and
yes eventually controling the car so I don't have to use my foot. For
what it's worth, I don't drive over any hills for over 70% of my
commute to work, and my last 3 cars (this 73 included) have lacked
cruise control, either by package or my choice, and now after driving
well over 450,000 without it I'd love to have it. Phase one will be
constant power, even if there is a speed loss, bcause I'll set it
about 10 miles above the speed limit to compensate and manually
control it when I get off the flat interstate and onto the road that
leads to my work, which has hills.
> bother with the cruise control at first. Get the car converted to
> electrics and make it reliable.
Again, it's pretty much and drop and install kit, with a lot of room
to customize. I'm focusing on what it's going to take to get the
customized stuff going, I can't feesible start buying the motor,
controller, cooling fans and battery farm until tax return 2007 -- if
I have to start learning Newton programming, I need to do it NOW while
I'm NOT removing components from the car in my condo parking lot (I'm
not lucky enough to even have a garage).
Then you put in bells and whistles
> like charge monitoring...
The kit converts the gas guage to a state of charge monitor, it comes
with it already. Been done.
> More importantly make sure that the increase in mass from motors and
> batteries is offset by better braking and suspension systems.
This is a valid point and concern, and I'm going to HAVE to convert to
all disc brakes from the aged drum system the Super sports, the
suspension I'm leaving to someone who designs vehicle suspensions
because I frankly don't know anything about them nor have the tools to
work on them (like a spring compressor).
> <RANT>
> Most of all, don't sit in front of your TV or computer screen and
> wait for someone else to provide a turnkey solution for you (the mark
> of the sheeple), get out to the garage or basement and do something,
> anything, even if it is changing your own oil or checking your tyre pressure.
> <\RANT>
You've just hit a sore spot with me. I've had my 02 beetle since 04,
got it with 9102 on it. It's sitting at 95,182. In that time I've not
replaced by myself:
The brakes
Bled the brakes
1 spark plug change
1 oil change
1 tempature cooling sensor
I've relgiously changed the oil, using a Mobil synthetic, every 10k
until the car hit 90k and began burning oil, so I'm down to 5k changes
(what the book recommends if you do not switch to synthetic). I also
replaced my timing belt, with the assistance of one person to read the
book and hand me tools, at 83,000 -- 20,000 before the book called for
it, as well as flushed the coolant system and replaced the water pump
with a higher quality metal impellar (VW used a plastic one for the
production - why I have no idea). I cracked my oil pan and had to
replace that by hand, I've invested in the Bentley repair book and a
VAG-COM cable, software, and dedicated PC laptop to scan and reprogram
the vehicle. I've replaced all the bulbs with LEDs and I have modified
the intake and exhaust system by hand. So, um, don't tell me I sit
infront of my TV and computer and theorize. I do a HELL of a lot of
work to BOTH of my cars, and my lover's car, the roommate's car, a
neighbors vehicle and the occasional Volvo. I know how to get out and
actually walk my talk, thanks.
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