[NTLK] Need System Software for Mac SE FDHD

From: Ron Dube <rondube1_at_mac.com>
Date: Sat Dec 09 2006 - 10:20:24 EST

I recently found a Macintosh SE FDHD along side of the road. It seems
in pretty good shape! It turns on but I get the dreaded "?" looking
for its hard drive. I believe that you have to put a System disk in
to help find itself... If I have this info wrong, how do I fix it?
Also I need to know which version of the System Software that I need,
and where can I purchase it from?
If anyone that can help me, I would appreciate it!

Ron Dube
www.rondubedesign.com | rd@rondubedesign.com | rondube1@mac.com
| 914.762-0217 | 914.924.7519 c

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Received on Sat Dec 9 10:21:18 2006

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