> Gem Enterprises and Newton Sales sell a lot of accessories. If you
> want a WiFi card, Sonny gave me a good piece of advice - buy one of
> the original graphite AirPort base stations, which have WaveLAN
> Silver cards inside of them. I got one on eBay for $26 and free
> shipping, which is $10 less than the Bronze card sold by Gem (which
> doesn't support WEP like the Silver).
Hey Ivan,
If you need something I would suggest making a quick list of what you
want t purchase as a package and individually. Figure a ball park
price you're comfortable with and wait for a list member to reply
back with a possible package that may OR wait for one of them to post
a [FS] listing here.
J&K is a great place to purchase, GEM and Newton Sales are okay, eBay
is decent if you are watching all the time. Pricing is the most
important issue from I understand and I'd be wary of Newton Sales (or
any vendor) often because of the high pricing and often high cost of
shipping... but no matter who - always ask and see what they are
selling it for as it may be competitive... (negotiate by asking as
you'll never know unless you ask...)
Ian is definitely one list member kindly passing tid bits of info
that's shared...
I got one recently off CL for $20 it was almost NIB with the original
shipping box.
I would suggest that you get a list ready and shoot me a copy (off
list) as I've got a few I'm getting ready to sell. I may be able to
put a setup together that fits what you are looking for... I'm sure if
I can't help someone else eventually will read your post and think
about selling their extra Newton to you... you never know...
-- God bless, Sonny Hung the Hung Family -- This is the NewtonTalk list - http://www.newtontalk.net/ for all inquiries Official Newton FAQ: http://www.chuma.org/newton/faq/ WikiWikiNewt for all kinds of articles: http://tools.unna.org/wikiwikinewt/Received on Sun Dec 10 18:10:24 2006
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