Re: [NTLK] Relative 'speeds' of various Newtons

From: Paul Curtis (
Date: Mon Feb 06 2006 - 13:48:45 PST


The e-mate isn't going to match the speed of your 2000, it's closer to the
MP120-130. The e-mate is going to be a smidgen' fast than the 120-130's but
not as fast as the mp2x00. The one advantage for the e-mate is that I think
the rom accommodates the stacks necessary for networking, unlike the MP1x0
series. Woody Smith is an excellent resource for e-mate/MP questions as he
actively uses both types of machines... He also is pretty active on the
list, not to mention his families prowess for dishin' up some good eats -

For browsing purposes, I don't think ram is going to help much unless your
absolutely maxed out while online. Most of the speed issues are going to be
net and Newton related. The bandwidth you are allocated, how many
connections are using your isp concurrently, the site design and the traffic
at that site are the major issues. Another issue is that if you are using
the WEP key, that chews up a darn good chunk of bandwidth too.

The Message Pad 2x00 won't be "snappy" per say as compared to other "modern"
computers, but much faster than a cell phone connecting to the net for sure.
I have a Motorola MPx220 and it's slower than a pair of snails mating, my
MP2100 on the other hand moves along pretty well in text sites. Oh, which
reminds me, you also have to take into consideration what MP browser you're
using. The text based ones are faster than the graphics version...

My usual disclaimer, there are many others more knowledgeable than I...

Best Regards,

Paul Curtis
Certified Mortgage Planner
Allied Home Mortgage

(517) 775-6666 Cell (Voice Mail)
(517) 579-0849 Home Facsimile
(517) 327-4200 Office
(517) 327-4300 Office Facsimile Advanced Online Application Online Application

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Jon Scordia
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 4:03 PM
Subject: [NTLK] Relative 'speeds' of various Newtons

Hi list. I'm sure the root of this enquiry is that I fancy adding an eMate
to the collection and am trying to justify it! Anyway:

1. My everyday workhorse is a 2000. Per previous posts I am finding it slow
on the Net and need to get to grips with what an upgrade to a 2100 would
actually do for me. I think I prefer that option to the 220MHz switchable
upgrade. I just can't get a feel for what real-life improvements such an
upgrade will make to this 'workhorse' and what realistically I should expect
from it. (that's the key question really). How 'snappy' is your 'net
experience? I'm sure the extra memory would help my suite of daily apps to
work more freely together.

2. I also have a 130. I bought that cheep to see whether the aluStand
(remember that? still in the works!) could be made to accommodate it too
(yes). I find it really slow in the HWR dept. Frustrating.

3. How does an eMate compare? A much slower processor than the 2000, but
more application memory? (or am I wrong?) Is it snappier than the 130? Is it
as useable as the 2000? How do those with WiFi card view their 'net

A string of questions, but all related to the real life usability of these
machines. I would welcome your views!!!



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