> So, would please someone either write to the list (in case you see no
> one else has already) or to me privately to tell me that my msgs make
> it to the list?
> Or, if you are using a Bluetooth card, please respond as I have a new
> Pico card and would like to know if others have successfully used it
> and if so, how exactly and with which Blunt version.
Your posting made it to the list. Posting sometimes requires great patience. ;-)
Eckhart's done some awesome things for the Newton community. His web
page for Blunt has it all:
Years ago, it took me about four or five times to read it before I got
the courage to just download and install the modules. Follow his
instructions and you can't miss. I've got my Pico card working so I
can install all of my Newt apps and transfer my text to my Mac using
Bluetooth and the I/O utility.
Doug Parker
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