Cheers, Thomas (and all)!
>No, it does not work for me. I BT works in general (test works, and my
>Mac sees the BT card) but the Newton does not find anything. I've not
>only followed (the quite lacking) instructions on the 40hz Blunt page
>but also those in the unna wiki.
IIRC I've started up that page for two
one is that I've already written down every single step I'd
actually taken, so I've been able to trace back to where things might
be done differently (which I strongly recommend, as--while perhaps
lowering the felt speed of progress--it will guarantee a positive
outcome, and will give you either a complete walkthrough--aka Moron's
Manual--to be posted to the Wiki--which I strongly urge more people,
esp. newbies to do!--or else give you something you can send to the
developer with a plea for help and the *exact* error message), and
...second that Eckhart's software is severely underdocumented for
newbies (and I'd rather have him use his time as detailed here , so it's a good chance for folks like you
and me to help some and give back to the community).
So, whatever you do next, document it step by step--copy my stuff from
the Wiki and check off every step and add/change what you've done.
> Your post made it ok - but as you were talking about the PICO card I
> did not respond since I use the Ambicom card.
I use that same Sphinx Electronics Pico Card (gotta love that green
flasher!), and that's what I've written the Moron's Manual about.
Worked really great, until after about a year the transmission of
several files started to cause errors (search archive for "Bluetooth
Unhappiness"--the idea was it was trouble with fragmented stores, but
batch-transferring via serial cable worked nicely--????) As long as
that's not resolved, I'll only single-transfer smaller files instead of
multiple large packages in one go (books! books! them books! ;=} ), and
I guess the solution to that prob is called Blunt 2.
>I like to verify that my exact configuration
>(new 2100 US with Blunt 0.7.7 and Pico card) is known to work.
I'm using this with:
-- a rare Dr. Gruendelstein MP 2g00 (which technically should be
identical to an MP 2100 US with latest patch installed, dunno the exact
licensing they have but besides the case and screen modding, they sure
look alike...),
-- the (then) latest Blunt 0.7.6 (wich I'll send you in separate mail)
-- Pico Card ("Made for Newton(TM)" ;=} ).
I also have Neo, IC/VC and NIENitroBlunt. You got any of those? Done
any with it?
>I also wrote to Eckhard, but he hasn't replied for a week now.
Did you include a step-by-step documentation incl. full error messages
(haven't seen 'em posted here, so...)?
Eckhart is not very speedy in replying mails, but extremely reliable.
He usually works off his backlog in Newton mails and support calls once
every fortnight (or ever other fortnight), so be patient. Remember that
people don't earn anything from this stuff, it's just a hobby thing, so
all is done on courtesy and good will (or not).
If you really insist in grabbing his attention, use the "Donate" button
on .
Or write some n00bie-compatible documentation for one of his neat apps
and tools, post it to the Wiki and and send the link to him for review.
Either approach oughto do the j0b!
In any case, don't give up, it works! And Blunt 2 is not very far,
it'll probably be much faster and permy-on and things. (Hey, anybody
feeling like completing the setup-walkthroughs for BT-VPN and
BT Websurfing?! Gonna come in handy pretty soonish... ;=} )
D. Vollkasko
The Temporary Newton Library
P.S.: Eckhart--what's the difference between Blunt 0.7.6 and 0.7.7?
Should I install the newer version, might it have any impact on my BT
unhappiness? (And props for maintaining Blunt 0.x while working on
Blunt 2!!!)
Re: [NTLK] Anyone doing Bluetooth with the Newton?
From: Thomas Tempelmann (
Date: Wed Feb 22 2006 - 01:03:03 PST
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Bluetooth with the Newton?"
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On 2/22/06, Brian <> wrote:
> Thomas,
> Your post made it ok - but as you were talking about the PICO card I
> did not respond since I use the Ambicom card.
> But BT does work - follow Eckhart's instructions to the letter and
> have patience as I found that it does sometimes require a number of
> tries to get everything to pair ok.
No, it does not work for me. I BT works in general (test works, and my
Mac sees the BT card) but the Newton does not find anything. I've not
only followed (the quite lacking) instructions on the 40hz Blunt page
but also those in the unna wiki.
The problem is the "discover" process. Somehow the newton does not
discover anything, and I like to verify that my exact configuration
(new 2100 US with Blunt 0.7.7 and Pico card) is known to work. After
all, it might be that there slipped an error into this blunt version.
Therefore, if someone with a Pico card uses an older blunt version
successfully, I'd like to try that one.
I also wrote to Eckhard, but he hasn't replied for a week now.
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