Re: [NTLK] PCMCIA Flash Cards

From: John (
Date: Thu Jan 05 2006 - 08:43:37 PST

>I need to know the Brand/Model Number/and anyother pertinant
>information off your card/especially if it works on which model...

Hi Sonny,

I have a few different brands as pictured here:

If you'd like, I could set up a spread-sheet in eXcel and test out each
one to see what's up.

I remember, for example, last night plugging in I think a 4MB Newton
Flash card from my Newton 2100 into my eMate [which has the memory
expansion card installed] and the pop-up screen message said "read
only". I was transferring MoreInfo and name's soup stuff from one to
the other. I ended up just "beaming" for the sake of time and
simplicity, but as you ask I could systematically record the results of
doing my daily backups using all the different cards for posterity.
Glad to do this if you or anyone else could benefit.


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