From: Roland Roberts (
Date: Tue Jan 24 2006 - 14:31:45 PST
>>>>> "Dan" == Dan <> writes:
>> I have one and like it---it makes it easier to get a good connection
>> with my keyboard and with a serial connection, too. Of course, I don't
>> have a mac with serial port and doing serial to a windoze machine is
>> near futile....
>> regards,
>> roland
Dan> I wouldn't say near futile. It just a matter of changing your
Dan> serial settings, and most likely reducing your FIFO buffers
Dan> (but NOT turning them off). Then running Slowdown twice or
Dan> three instances in your task bar (depending on how fast your
Dan> machine is).
I've been unable to get a good backup of my 10MB 1/2-full card. I have
been able, sometimes, to get the internal store backed up. I've tried
speeds ranging from 56k (fails fast, but works for installing *small*
packages) down to 2400.
My experience has never been particularly good; back in the old day's
with a mere Pentium, it *usually* worked, but never near 100%. Now it's
near 100% failure.
On the other hand, talking to a OSX G4 with classic running and backing
up via wireless succeeds quite reliably. It's restoring that I have a
problem with :-/
In any event, I consider the SER-001 worthwhile just for the
keyboard---I'm always worried I'll lose the dongle....
-- PGP Key ID: 66 BC 3B CD Roland B. Roberts, PhD RL Enterprises 6818 Madeline Court Brooklyn, NY 11220 -- This is the NewtonTalk list - for all inquiries Official Newton FAQ: WikiWikiNewt for all kinds of articles:
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