Well, I have a bit to say about this. I to am glad
both parties are leaving it alone that owes them a
great deal of respect in my book. As for not using
ones name to have posted on NTLK, there are many
reasons for this... People prefer not to have their
name plastered all of the internet for privacy
reasons, and this is understandable. That is being
the core reason for that, and I'd imagine Ferdi (Aka:
Knowledge Navigator) does this for the same reason,
this shouldn't me that he is in error, its rather
smart actually. I use my name in my e-mails simply
because if people know me or my business they must
know I have nothing to hide, and if they want to look
me up, I am okay with that. Minus the mistake in the
last seen NTLK message I posted (And I credit Sonny
for catching that). I must admin I too did fall (at
one point) pry to other members going off on a long
(public) battle, and this is not a good thing for any
parties involved, and I am sure the Newton people
don't want to hear of others differences. Also on the
comment of Ferdi bettering his name, I must totally
agree with this, I have noticed a great deal of
betting on his part, this is why I have helped him out
and now keep on a good basis with him. I too as I am
sure most of you long time NewtonTalk people will
remember had to back out of the Newton/Mac business,
and since then I too have made slow re-entry into the
market (minus lack of funds:). I have decided to use
the resources I have and little funds I have in
another manner I have personally decided to use what I
have and offer a free service locally and aboard to
help others, this seems to be working well. I just
hope we all can understand we are all here with one
goal to better the Newton community not bicker about
little things.
~Best Regards
Mark Jozaitis
> Ferdi-
> I note with interest that you never use your real
> name any more.... Is there
> a reason for this?
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