Eric's question brings up an interesting point -- namely, the need for
additional fucntionality in apps that work between the Newton and the
Many of the text apps for Newton are quite limited as to what they can
do. It would be really nice if there were a way to reverse engineer the
NCU and add more features. I don't mean Wi-Fi or BlueTooth connectivity
-- I could care less about that. I mean, it would be nice if the NCU
could handle importation of other file formats. If any wireless issue
were addressed in NCU, I'd like to see the code re-written so that
files could more easily be transferred between the Newton and other
Windows devices, such as the Pocket PC. (By the way, does anybody know
how well the Obex thing works with Windows XP? Never got it working
myself). It would also be nice if NewtonPress had more editing
features, such as a Select All command.
I don't think I'll ever have the necessary prowess to make this happen,
but maybe someday somebody will investigate these issues...
Matt K.
Detroit, Michigan, USA
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