Re: [NTLK] Newtonbooks on UNNA [was: Re: Where is DJ?]

From: Martin Joseph <>
Date: Tue May 23 2006 - 14:54:11 EDT

I think that with regard to the Newton book library it would be best to
have multiple admins who share and or sync. the Newton books available.

Having many different libraries makes it a bit more difficult to find
what you want? Having people back each other up seems best to me.

The library is still online and I will be happy to update
it while DJ is on Hiatus, so anyone with newer Newton books that are
made from public domain materials, please send me a copy and I will
post them.

I am hoping that DJ resurfaces as he was doing such an excellent job,
but it's been long enough without a sign of him that I will take the
initiative and add new materials.

Anyone with a desire to "share" library hosting duties (Adriano?)
please contact me off list and lets try to make that happen.


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Received on Tue May 23 14:54:02 2006

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