On 9/29/06, John <OceanCity@mac.com> wrote:
> Just wanted to express my appreciation for your [Sonny's] incredible
> photo gallery of Newton. I was intrigued and inspired to see not only
> all of the clever, original, creative designs, but appreciate all the
> time and dedication that you have shared with everyone. Thank you for
> documenting, managing, and collecting all of the images.
> >Please peruse the growing library of Newton related Photos located
> >here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sonnyhung/sets/
Hi John,
Just happen to sit down at the computer after a quick detour to the
diaper changing table happen to run across this kind comment. Thank
you and all others who've express their appreciation...
I know that at one time or another many MANY others have gone before
me (us) even yourself in documenting and sharing with the Newton
Community. I have noticed the loss of many websites which housed a
portion of the photos I have in my Flickr sets disappear from the web.
I have enjoyed those contributions and thought since I love looking
through them (all things Newton) that others too would like to do the
same and decided to focus my energies in this one area (in adddition
to my love to tinker and repair; still humbled by Frank the Great
Newton Doctor).
There are still many other Newton related Photos to be had and added
to my Flickr sets - so I implore you and anyone else with Newton
related products to please photo document them and send them to me,
you can provide a blurb or even history if you have and I will post
them up and notated them being contributed by you - if you know the
source of some of the photos in the sets already and can yourself
provide permission or the owners contact info to acquire proper
permission please do so. There are so many other items that are out
there that you nor I may have or have never seen before (such as the
<a href="http://flickr.com/photos/sonnyhung/sets/72057594059402659/">Harris
Access Device</a>) which only recently came out of hiding on eBay last
year and sold for $400 USD plus.... and if I hadn't seen it myself
would have slipped away into oblivion only to be stored away in
someone's collection never to be seen in all it's beauty...
I know a a few of you with a treasure chest full of stuff not yet seen
by others. I do hope you get some time in your busy lives to take a
few photos and share with the rest of us... I still haven't seen a
Digital Ocean Grouper, the MP2000 DVT with 12MB or whatever you
have.... has anyone got a MP2000 EVT to share photos of ??!!??!!
My best to everyone and God bless and a few ZZzzsss...... night all! :-)
-- God bless, Sonny Hung the Hung Family -- This is the NewtonTalk list - http://www.newtontalk.net/ for all inquiries Official Newton FAQ: http://www.chuma.org/newton/faq/ WikiWikiNewt for all kinds of articles: http://tools.unna.org/wikiwikinewt/Received on Fri Sep 29 05:35:32 2006
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