On 7/4/07 7:16 AM, "Steve Hammond" <stevehammond@globetrotter.net> wrote:
> I personally bought OS/2, as a pretext to use a PC with capability
> like a Mac, and was disappointed all the way. The interface was
> unintuitive, and some think that looked simple, were much more
> complex to do than on a Mac. Finally I sticked on Windows before
> going back to the Mac with OS X.
> As for the Newton or the Lisa, I do not know why they did not choose
> the Pippin as a replacement for both. The Lisa, in a way, became the
> Mac, and the Newton technology was incorporated partially in OS X
> (InkWell) and in the iPod (the small technology introduce in the
> Newton sure serve the iPod somehow at Apple).
Didn't two of the Newton development team members start the company that
made the OS for the iPod?
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