Hear, hear!
If anything, I think the PowerBook Duo(s) should be on the list!
I owned three different Duo models (and three different Docks) and tried
ever so hard to get them to do everything I needed. Alas, they were simply
limited by a few strange Apple hardware decisions, such as the SCSI adapter.
Ideas like the Duo and the Newton were ahead of the proverbial curve, for
sure. It is a shame there was not enough momentum behind them when they were
new. The Duo was a sub-notebook computer before the idea caught on, and the
Newton was a PDA/UMPC before they became a viable idea.
A good source for reminiscences on vintage Apple equipment is the
RetroMacCast podcast ( http://retromaccast.libsyn.com/). It is their fault
that got a Newton. They mentioned it several times and I remembered that I
never realized my secret shame. Now it is too late!
On 07.04.07 14:47, jg <atcnn2@yahoo.se> wrote:
> I was very happy with OS2, before I got my first Duo 210 than 270. I
> think Duo is/was a problem. 270. Idea was great. I have it, still,
> and when I am awake in the middle of the night I dream to use it with
> my Newton, now, in 21 century. Sorry to say, I did not find an easy
> way. Any ideas how to use Duo with Newton and OSX.
> John
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