Agreed. Imagine if the Newt could do USB or Firewire natively! Or if the sync tools were equally up to snuff. If that were the case this wouldn't even be a discussion.
But alas a lot has changed since the Newt's demise. USB was just starting to come out. The changes at Apple have opened up whole new worlds that weren't even possible back then, let alone for a company (Apple) that was desperately trying to right itself after a number of near death experiences. Unlike some I don't fault Apple for killing off the Newton, even though I am a big fan of the technology. It business terms it was needed, no matter how painful that truth is. I didn't make sense for a company hemorrhaging money every quarter to continue along the path the Newt was going when there we so many other problems to correct.
Don't get me wrong I'd love for the Newt to continue to be of use to me. And if I could sync without all the hassles I mentioned (and many more) I'd be more inclined to continue using it. Its a great piece of tech. However with that being said, I'm not sure if I'll continue with the iPhone looming: My iPod needs to be replaced, I already listed my gripes about my beloved, albeit frustrating Newt, and my cell is nothing special. and could easily be replaced. Add to this the fact that I'm already a Cingular subscriber.... Then when factor in my time which is much more valuable at this stage of my life then even 3 years ago with two young kids it becomes readily apparent that spending $600 on the 8 Gb iPhone is that much of a leap for the potential gains. The added boon is getting down to one device from three. Which makes more sense? Its seemingly like more and more of a "no-brainer" when I objectively look at the situation rather than from an emotional attachment to my Newt.
On Thursday, April 26, 2007, at 01:46PM, "Dan" <> wrote:
>On 4/26/2007 1:21 PM, Mark Harter wrote:
>> So where does that leave us? Some would say the Einstein Project. No offense to anyone? it looks like a great idea. Simply put I don?t think we are every going to see this come to fruition. Who has the time to spend on it? Even the most dedicated amongst us working on awesome software like NCX (thanks Simon!) or Einstein still cant devote as much time as I would hazard a guess is required.
>> Lastly this isn?t intended as flame bait, simply my observations, YMMV.
>> Mark
>Well NCX and other software is being developed and quite far along. Two
>windows connection utilities are nearing completion. I think that this
>year will be the year of the connection utilities. I agree that the one
>main weakness of the Newt is Syncing. It ALWAYS has been. I believe
>that IF the Newt had good syncing at the start, it may not have been
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