On Apr 27, 2007, at 7:43 PM, Tony Kan wrote:
> Ahh another handwriting lover. I have a Parker Sonnet and love the
> handwriting
> aesthetic. To be honest, the Newton has taught me to write even
> more neatly
> than I did before. It is still distinctly my handwriting style but
> cleaned up a
> lot.
The Sonnet is a lovely pen and a dreamy writer. I gave one to a good
friend a couple of years ago and recently she asked me to give it a
cleaning. I of course took the opportunity to do a little writing
with it to get a feel for it. Normally I wouldn't handle someone
else's gold-nib pen but I really didn't have enough time to do any
damage by holding the pen differently than she. I considered it my
reward for taking the time to clean it.
I have a Rotring Initial, which is a darn good writer in it's own
right, with a data tip hidden in the tail. I know there's a market
for stylii and for combo pens, but I'm sure that whoever's idea it
was to combine a data stylus with a fountain pen has been long ago
fired. Not market segments that intersect much. So if you can find
them, they often are sold at clearance rates. I got mine for $20,
which is not bad for a pen that sells for $110 without a data tip.
> Sometimes the slower speed of handwriting gives me a chance to form
> and organise
> my thoughts properly before committing them to paper. Not a bad
> habit to have.
Yeah. Actually, I've started writing blog posts on paper. Sort of.
I've started collecting my thoughts on paper and then sitting down
and writing a second draft on the computer. I think it helps me to
ramble less, but you wouldn't know it by reading my writing. =^)
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