Re: [NTLK] RES: [Indesejados] Re: RES: AW: RES: RES: Newton Evolution

From: Rene Raggl <>
Date: Sat Feb 03 2007 - 07:39:23 EST


Sorry for falling in, but Ethernet and Newton work just fine for
Internet and Mail. I have not been able to transfer files in this
manner, however. Not on the PC at least. At the Mac it is easy enough
using a TCP/IP connection.


Am 03.02.2007 um 13:20 schrieb gaudo:

> Hi Woody
> I was just wondering, yesterday at night, if I really should
> upgrade my 2000
> to 2100. May be the right thing should be correct all data problems
> before
> try it. I had a 2100 before.
> I think would great if, someway, there be a package to convert
> newtonworks
> files do .DOC files, saving this file onto a second flash card. But
> there is
> another problem: how to read this card with a regular PC?
> Do you think that with Ethernet I can transfer my files to a PC?
> How works
> Newton with Ethernet? I never saw it working.
>> For me this is
>> critical because once a Works file gets corrupted, the whole card may
>> fail.
> It is exactly what happened to me few times. It is awful.

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Received on Sat Feb 3 07:39:28 2007

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