On 13/01/2007, at 8:24 PM, Lorenzo Leoni wrote:
> I would like to connect using an ethernet card (model 3com 3cxe589dt).
> I've already read the wiki and the faq and I'm sure to have already
> installed all the necessary driver, internet enabler and whatever.
> Tha cable is a perfect new crossover one.
> I've tried all possible combination of setting, on the newton
> internet setup and on the ibook connection preferences. No results.
> The only thing I achieve is to find the computer when tap on Dock/
> Connect to/other computer...But then, when I try to connect via
> appletalk to the laptop I get the message "the selected mac os
> computer cannot be found on the network".
> What am I doing wrong?
> Can someone give me the right setting for both the newton and tcp/ip
> on the ibook?
What software are you using to connect on the Mac?
- Adam Goddard
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