> To make things a bit more
> difficult, Newton runs in MSB first and all other devices in LSB
> first mode (kind of like a Newton car is driving on the right hand
> side, all others on the left hand side).
Like x86 vs. PPC/68k, right? Makes sense, really. 'twas designed by
Apple engineers, after all...
> > ... Too bad it's made by
> > Steve Job's Apple...
> >
> > Steve hates geeks!
> We will see. At least Apple releases its developer packages for free.
They do now. They haven't always, and they don't for the iPod. I agree
that XCode and the developer documentation for Cocoa (can't say about
Carbon) are almost good enough for sufficiently motivated beginners to
jump right in (add web tutorials and I don't think you need any books
to learn how to make OS X apps - though you might pick up a few nasty
habits along the way), but that doesn't mean this will be the case for
the iPhone, especially when Steve's incredibly ignorant statement about
a bad app taking down the phone network... I don't think Apple (or at
least Steve) sees the iPhone as anything like the Newton - the Newton
was a platform, Apple's Messagepad was just one of the hardware
products based on it. It was meant to be open and embraced by other
manufacturers and developers. Steve Jobs, who didn't even want the RAM
to be upgradable on the Macintosh, does not think like that... and
that's anti-geek, if you ask me.
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