On Jan 20, 2007, at 4:39 AM, James Wages wrote:
> Marty, I am talking about serial so much to keep the need alive and
> kicking
> in front of the developer. And I specifically asked for no
> feedback from
> folks who are happy with Ethernet since such talk does nothing to
> promote
> the cause of faster serial connectivity.
And yet you have to deal with my opinion.
> The fact that you, Marty, are satisfied with your connectivity
> doesn't mean
> the world revolves around your connection preference, however
> problem free
> you yourself may have found it to be.
True, I forgot that your connection preference is much more important.
> The need for speed always exists, on
> any platform, with any software, with any connection protocol.
It's more a question of the limited developer time available for Newton.
> So again,
> please, let's stop the "we don't need it" arguments. If someone
> needs it,
> if not but me, there is still a need.
Actually, serial is an outdated and barely supported interface on the
mac (ie you need to buy extra stuff to even get it). It's not that I
don't think serial speed is useful, it's just that I think as a
priority it is next to nil.
> Next to the -600 errors, my other NCX complaint is that it doesn't
> keep OS X
> Macs awake until file transfers complete. For example, I was
> sending a
> 3.5MB package across painfully slow 34800bps serial to my 2100 when 15
> minutes into the transfer (only 50% through) my Mac went to sleep, I
> immediately woke the machine but the connection wouldn't resume.
> Therefore,
> of NCX cannot be made to keep Macs from sleeping, then I would
> certainly
> appreciate seeing an "auto resume transfer" function when the Mac
> wakes up.
You could probably deal with this temporarily (until the bug is
fixed) by setting the "energy saver" preferences in "System
Preferences". Also if you are using a portable Mac (ie a powerbook)
hooking it to power might help.
> I've also found dropped connections when transferring large files
> (over 3MB
> in size) and when I select multiple packages to be uploaded. When
> I boot
> into OS 9 and use NCU or when I upload the same packages via my SE/
> 30, I get
> no dropped connections. Not sure what the problem is here, but I
> thought
> I'd mention it for the sake of bug fixing.
> Despite the negatives though, I think Simon has done an excellent
> job. And
> when the bugs have been addressed, this will be THE solution for
> connecting
> a Newton in the modern OS X world.
Yes, It is an incredible update to our OSX arsenal of Newton tools,
and I am very much looking forward to experimenting with the syncing
tool when it becomes a live item.
Thanks again Simon! You rock!
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