Marty, I am talking about serial so much to keep the need alive and kicking
in front of the developer. And I specifically asked for no feedback from
folks who are happy with Ethernet since such talk does nothing to promote
the cause of faster serial connectivity.
The fact that you, Marty, are satisfied with your connectivity doesn't mean
the world revolves around your connection preference, however problem free
you yourself may have found it to be. The need for speed always exists, on
any platform, with any software, with any connection protocol. So again,
please, let's stop the "we don't need it" arguments. If someone needs it,
if not but me, there is still a need.
Next to the -600 errors, my other NCX complaint is that it doesn't keep OS X
Macs awake until file transfers complete. For example, I was sending a
3.5MB package across painfully slow 34800bps serial to my 2100 when 15
minutes into the transfer (only 50% through) my Mac went to sleep, I
immediately woke the machine but the connection wouldn't resume. Therefore,
of NCX cannot be made to keep Macs from sleeping, then I would certainly
appreciate seeing an "auto resume transfer" function when the Mac wakes up.
I've also found dropped connections when transferring large files (over 3MB
in size) and when I select multiple packages to be uploaded. When I boot
into OS 9 and use NCU or when I upload the same packages via my SE/30, I get
no dropped connections. Not sure what the problem is here, but I thought
I'd mention it for the sake of bug fixing.
Despite the negatives though, I think Simon has done an excellent job. And
when the bugs have been addressed, this will be THE solution for connecting
a Newton in the modern OS X world.
James Wages
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