On 24 jan 2007, at 02.39, Sean Luke wrote:
> I posted a link to the following article of mine on maemo-developers,
> the email list for developers of the Nokia 770 and Nokia N800
> internet tablets, describing failures of the GUI from a Newton
> developer's perspective. Thought it might be interesting to all.
> The URL may change in the future.
> http://cs.gmu.edu/~sean/stuff/n800/
this was the best read so far this year. very very interesting and
vänliga hälsningar / warmest regards,
/ ®
roman pixell, freelancer
karmatic experience group
kåkbrinken 11a 3tr
111 27 stockholm
email: roman@pixell.net
AIM: doppler@mac.com
MSN: roman@pixell.net
ICQ: 3698764
skype: romanpixell
cell: +46 709 10 35 51
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