Victor Rehorst <> wrote:
> Sam Jacobson wrote:
> > Hello!
> > Has anyone been able to get [Kallisys' Newton Eistein] to work yet?
> I've run the latest version on my Pepper Pad 2.
I'm curious, what is the handwriting system like on the Pepper Pad? I
looked at their site and see a lot of buttons along the sides. Is that a
QWERTY layout? I did not see anything regarding handwriting recognition,
and suspect that the stylus is just a pointing device, same as a mouse.
The reason I ask is because several years ago I started up a project called
Open Slate, which never got very far, and my first big stumbling block was
the lack of a usable open-source handwriting recognition project.
I also chose a side-mounted keyboard, only the Open Slate keyboard would
use a chording system, with something like four buttons on the bottom for
fingers and one on top for the thumb. Mirrored on each side, with
alternatives for one-handed use.
I am thinking about revisiting this project, mostly due to the better
availability of miniature motherboards, hard drives, and flash memory. I am
watching the One Laptop Per Child program, but their goal is different than
Gary Dunn
MP110, MP2100
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