On Jul 11, 2007, at 9:05 AM, Steven Scotten wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 11, 2007 at 08:26:15AM -0600, Grant Hutchinson wrote:
>> On Jul 10, 2007, at 4:20 PM, Steve Scotten wrote:
>>>> Hwoever, I'm a firm believer that - once trained over time - HWR
>>>> text
>>>> input on the Newton is far superior to any keyboard-based input the
>>>> iPhone has at this point - predictive or otherwise.
>>> This statement is almost completely meaningless unless you specify
>>> what
>>> metric you're using to judge superiority. Do you mean speed of
>>> input,
>>> ease of use, intuitiveness, ease of learning, accuracy, comfort?
>> All of the above.
> I find that very difficult to believe. Even among the most practiced,
> best-"learned" Newt HWR users, Newt HWR is slower than the slowest
> minikeyboard
> typing.
Slower then a cell phone keypad? Not at all in my experience.
Slower then real typing yes, even on crappy qwerty keyboards.
We are talking about thumb or two finger typing on a virtual keyboard
on the iphone's screen. I think this question is still open. I only
got to try this for a quick moment or two, but it didn't work very
well, and seems like it could be really hard for people with larger
hands (mine are average).
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