On Jul 27, 2007, at 11:06 AM, Seb Payne wrote:
> The question is - is POP or IMAP faster and which email client will
> work the best?
When you read an EMail using POP, it will be downloaded to your
machine and deleted from the server right away. The only copy you
have, is on your computer. So in POP, you pretty much download every
EMail once.
With IMAP, all mails remain on the server and will be downloaded only
when you want to read them. Depending on your mail client, they may
be buffered, but the original stays on the server until you delete
it. So the advantage is, that you may end up downloading less mails,
but you might download them multiple times.
Or o sum it up: POP and IMAP speeds (if you refer to download speeds)
are pretty much the same and only vary with your way of using EMail.
My decision to use POP is that I want my EMail copies on one machine
and wherever I go. I lost mail before by leaving it on an IMAP server
and having no local copy. If you read EMail from more than one
computer, IMAP is the choice though.
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