I cannot find Iambic Paper Pack anywhere.
On 7/26/07, Jon Glass <jonglass@usa.net> wrote:
> * PocketMoney was my life saver. Would still use it if I could get my
> OS X box to connect... :-(
> * GeekGas. for checking gas mileage, etc.
> * Adam Tow's Alarm Clock--get it. love it ;-)
> * Nick's MarkIt, for selecting text, etc. in Notes. Invaluable little tool
> * Everything by Echhart Koppen (http://40hz.org/)
> those are the apps. Now for extensions, etc.
> * Iambic Paper Pack. I find the 2-Column stationery to be
> essential--better than the built-in calc and simpler than Works'
> spreadsheet.
> *OneTap Scroller (puts a tiny set of icons on notes to aid in quickly
> navigating through the paper roll.
> *alt.rec for various HWR issues
> * DragNDrop Names. Write a name and address in Notes, like you would
> on paper, hilite it, copy to clipboard, open Names, drop. And there it
> is! Take that Palm!
> * Styles+ Another Adam Tow app. Improved Styles pallet
> * Backlight+ (automate your backlight, and create a tap-able corner
> for turning it on and off manually)
> * Datebar (cool shortcut for navigating Dates)
> Items no 2K model should be without (I don't consider these
> optional--you should have these installed)
> * '61 memory fix
> * UnProtect:Eggs (to allow beaming and moving protected items to and
> from cards--in this day and age, we all need this)
> * HWRWorks by SAI (allows HWR in Works obviously)
> * FIX 2010
> * Daylight Savings (or is that no longer needed once the change has
> been done? I no longer remember!)
> * Bigger Notes (although some claim it causes problems)
> *alt.rec--I suppose should be here, but some may have problems? I no
> longer remember)
-- Colin www.bananafredsoft.com -- This is the NewtonTalk list - http://www.newtontalk.net/ for all inquiries Official Newton FAQ: http://www.chuma.org/newton/faq/ WikiWikiNewt for all kinds of articles: http://tools.unna.org/wikiwikinewt/Received on Mon Jul 30 12:02:24 2007
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