--- Andy Hill <adhill@fastmail.co.uk> wrote:
> My advice would be, why not purchase a Newton and
> see how it goes, in the
> spirit of nothing ventured nothing gained. They are
> fun and a challenge
> and like you, I love to keep old hardware going. Why
> not rebel a little
> against our throwaway world!
Yes, I would love to - (I still use my 20 yr old Atari
systems for various tasks), but a good MP2100 seems to
be about $150-200, and I can get a really good used
palm for that. If I have to sell the Newton (because
the wife won't let me keep it if it doesn't do the
job, and I will have to sell it to get the cash to go
buy the palm) then I could've wasted months in lost
My dept at work is going through very dynamic changes,
and no-one has got a clue how to manage processes or
people. I have an opportunity to shine, and I can't
waste it. My problem is that I'm disorganised and
absent minded, and only now do I feel it holding me
> Secondly, and I'm talking from experience here, ask
> yourself, do you
> really need the syncing? I used to bother myself
> about this all the time,
> and after a while realised I actually only needed
> the info in three places
> at the same time on rare occasions. It just worth
> checking.
Not to my home Mac, but definitely to the Lotus Notes
at work. I MUST sync to Notes because my work stack is
driven by my colleagues scheduling meetings and
sending emails. Through Notes.
> Best wishes
> Andy
Thanks. Same.
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