Re: [NTLK] Softprintpack

From: Dan <>
Date: Fri Mar 09 2007 - 09:42:31 EST

On 3/9/2007 7:58 AM, Tony Kan wrote:
> In my case the workaround doesn't work because MS never wrote a driver for the
> Laserjet 1000... :-(
> Using the SPP to redirect the output to a Deskjet 340 with the Newton set on "HP
> Deskjet" only produces gibberish. Can't use the "HP Deskjet 340" driver on the
> Newt because it only works on IRDA.

Hmm I would suggest you try a older driver anyway. Since it would
appear that SPP does not use the driver itself, the type of driver
should not matter. I suspect that you can find something that will
work. Perhaps a driver that MS wrote for a USB printer might work?
Regardless I would give it a try.


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Received on Fri Mar 9 09:42:03 2007

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