Re: [NTLK] reply doesn't do what you think it does was: Re: NewtonWorld 'magazine'

From: Dan <>
Date: Thu Mar 15 2007 - 18:50:25 EDT

Yes I know how it is with spam anymore and dictionary attacks. Though
you can usually set it to send everything not going to a particular
address to the black hole (auto delete). This can help alot, then just
save the rest and let your email client deal with the spam (I use
thunderbird and sometimes a piece or two gets though but that is getting
to be less and less). But on the other hand if you get a lot of
dictionary attacks spamers end up consuming most of your bandwidth, so
in that respect your solution is a better one. It all depends on if you
need the customization a personal server can give or not. Also there
are other domain services around that give similar deals. Namesecure is
 such a example and I believe cheaper but might have a few less features
than what you mentioned. Again it all comes down to what you need.


On 3/15/2007 6:34 PM, Ed Kummel wrote:
> I used to run my own mail server but keeping track of the spam updates and clearing out the false positives and just the whole bother of it was a pain that I no longer wanted to deal with. Plus the thought of developing a custom web interface was too daunting. So, I went with GoDaddy's mail services. I just point my MX record to their servers and let them deal with the spam and stuff. Plus their browser mail interface is slick. I have 5 email accounts (for my whole family) with dozens of alias's and 1GB of total space (to divide amoung the 5 mailboxes) for just $19/year. Worth it in the long run...and I don't have to have stupid email domain names. (this yahoo account is just for my fun main accounts are on different domains)
> Just an FYI...
> Ed

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