On or about 3/16/07, Woody Smith wrote:
>I downloaded your document.
>Connected Newton 2100 via NCX and imported the document twice, once
>to notes and once to works. The works document had the same problem
>you described but the Notes document did not.
>I transferred the notes document to Works with the import feature of
>'WorksBetter SAS extension'
>The result was a complete Bibliography.
>Seems problem is with Works import.
After my adventures with NCU, I also tried using NCX. I started fresh
by unzipping the file. I then opened it in AbiWord, and saved under the
'RTF for old apps' format to a different file name. I then imported
both into Works. The original file showed the truncated margins, the
'RTF for old apps' version wrapped 'correctly'. I also noticed that the
'RTF for old apps' version of the imported file showed the right margin
symbol in the ruler, whereas the version imported from the original file
did not.
I was also able to reset the margins to screen width with the 'RTF for
old apps' version, but not with the version from the original file.
- Don
-- Don V. Zahniser -- This is the NewtonTalk list - http://www.newtontalk.net/ for all inquiries Official Newton FAQ: http://www.chuma.org/newton/faq/ WikiWikiNewt for all kinds of articles: http://tools.unna.org/wikiwikinewt/Received on Fri Mar 16 11:07:57 2007
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