On Mar 19, 2007, at 6:29 PM, Dan wrote:
> Especially considering that
> many PDA's still use SRAM but without any sort of battery backups
> system
> so if your main battery is runs out, your data goes poof.
Yes, that is the typical WindowsCE behavior. One or two Palm models
did that too, driving the owners nuts and away from Palm until they
decided to come back to buffered RAM.
> Often called
> a "blackout" by those who experienced them. Though I believe that is
> becoming less common with the newer PDA's
Microsoft now requires battery backed RAM for a license of
WindowsMobile 5.0 and higher. So if you buy a divece with WM5 or 6,
it will not black out anymore.
> It is also interesting that Apple didn't have "nonvolatile" aka FLASH
> RAM listed as a selling point.
Well, they were the first, and they probably could not even imagine
that you would cheat your customers into buying volatile RAM. Palm
kept the tradition, and then WindowsCE came along... .
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