>> ...that I'm selling my entire Newton collection
> I know that it's none of my business. Still, please allow me to
> point out that I, for one, NEVER look at eBay auctions
> that are posted here because I don't think this list should be used
> to drive bids up. I think I'm not the only one who thinks along these
> lines. Posting eBay auctions on this list seems to be frowned upon by
> many members.
> For what it's worth, I've frequently purchased items that were offered
> on this list.
> Frank
I think that's one way of looking at it, Frank. However, I think you
can take a different view on a number of counts:
1 Some people on the list use eBay, others don't. So letting the list
know about auctions of Newton items that people may be after is purely
a courtesy. They certainly don't have to bid. And may choose not to, if
the price is deemed too high for the items offered (eg the recent
battery tray auction seeking $99 BIN, as I recall). On that basis, I
don't actually think publicizing an auction to the list does drive bids
2 While offering Newton items only to people on the list is entirely
valid, the only way the Newton platform will continue to be used and
valued worldwide will be if new people buy things. Many of us on the
list first encountered Newtons via eBay. As speculation continues about
Apple launching a small format computer or tablet PC, plus the launch
of the iPhone, forums continue to refer back to the Newton - so
interest is encouraged once more.
Just my two pence/cents/Euros worth - be interested in other people's
views :)
Russ , UK : > )
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