On Thu, 13 Sep 2007 06:10:05 -0700, "Mark Harter" <willmark@mac.com>
> The community here is a great one and it saddens me to leave, but I'm
> finding now that I read the posts less and less as they are no longer
> applicable to my workflow and use of a PDA/phone.
How can life, the universe and everthing not be applicable to your
ongoing use of a PDA!
Don't you realise that using a Newton is only half about applicability,
the other half if purely symbolic or in my case religious.
Only kidding! Thanks for bothering to say farewell.
All the best for the future.
Try not to leave your Newton is a drawer collecting dust though. They
hate being left alone, particularly in the dark. Let it have a new home!
A newton is not just for Christmas (or our latest whim).
All the best
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WikiWikiNewt - http://tools.unna.org/wikiwikinewt/
Received on Thu Sep 13 10:38:53 2007
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