Re: [NTLK] Serials for oldies

From: Borja Robles Maldonado <>
Date: Mon Dec 22 2008 - 14:41:15 EST

Hi Newtonians!:
This is my first post. Got a MP2000 since October and after an odyssey of
searchs and long nights i could set up almost everything iıve desired on my
Newton (Dealing with heap, reboots and the sync thing on nowadays
Well, i want to contribute to this post by adding a link I found yesterday.
Itıs the ³Hackapp², two versions of the archive with many keygens, but
unfortunately it seems that the only that works are the non-Standalone
Software ones. Iıve tried many of them but only achive success with
³Snoozey² (A catamount software app for improving the snoozer of the alarm
reminders), also the others by catamount may work but i havenıt got interest
in them.
Please have pattience and try others to make a list of which of them works.
The link:
From the web:

Merry Christmas and long live to the Newton!

-- Borja Robles
Málaga (Spain)
MessagePad 2000
iMac 24", Leopard 10.5.6

On 22/12/08 19:17, "Matt Howe" <> wrote:

> I have seen this list before. I have a copy. But the only package on the
> list I have ever tried to use was the NotePad Converter v 3.31. That version
> is looking for a 10 digit number not a five letter text entry. Has anyone
> ever gotten this to work? Does it belong to an older version? Know where I
> can get this older version?
> Matt (Ducky) Howe
> Owner of a MP2000U and an Emate
> (Nokia N770)
> (Desktop)
> Woody Smith wrote:
> <snip>
> NotePad Converter code: gmahh
> <snip>
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