I think you wrote that you are working on a Mac, so this might not
be helpful, but here is how you can do it on a PC.
The code below requires your images to be in a folder "Bitmaps"
which is on the same level as your .ntk file.
Somewhere in your project data file you would define an image like
DefConst('kStylesIcon, getBMPAsBits("Bitmaps\\YourImage.bmp", nil));
Or, if you want to define more than one image in a compact way, you
define an array like this:
DefConst('kTitleIconArray, [
getBMPAsBits("Bitmaps\\YourImage0.bmp", nil),
getBMPAsBits("Bitmaps\\YourImage1.bmp", nil),
getBMPAsBits("Bitmaps\\YourImage2.bmp", nil),
getBMPAsBits("Bitmaps\\YourImage3.bmp", nil),
getBMPAsBits("Bitmaps\\YourImage4.bmp", nil),
Assuming that, for example, you want to assign the first of these
icons to
the icon slot of a protoTitle, you would do it like this:
setValue(YourProtoTitle, 'titleIcon, kTitleIconArray[0]);
Hope it helps
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Received on Mon Dec 22 15:39:46 2008
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