I recall the same discussion.
(Thus, it must be true. :-) )
Sent from LwB's iBrick...
On Feb 29, 2008, at 2:40 AM, Jon Glass <jonglass@usa.net> wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 12:15 AM, <dograt@earthlink.net> wrote:
>> Can you imagine how superlative the Newton might have been by now had
>> development continued? Would it have looked an iPhone?
> I think quite the opposite--I think it would look just like the
> Palm--outdated, and on its last legs. It was already creaking--pushed
> to the extremes internally, when Jobs killed it. I _know_ there used
> to be an interview with a Newton engineer on the web (but I can't find
> it any more), in which he described the hacked-up, patched-together
> internals of the Newton OS, and how it would have required a complete
> rewrite to make it work with more modenrn technologies--example--look
> at the NIE stack. IT's slow and awkward. The fact that we, today have
> such things as wifi, bluetooth and even ATA access is more a testimony
> to the genious of some people _despite_ the OS, not of the OS's
> strengths.
> I believe that the Newton had to go--but the way it went was not
> necessary, IMO, and the financial hurt it caused many, many people is
> not easily overlooked/ignored/forgotten.
> --
> -Jon Glass
> Krakow, Poland
> <jonglass@usa.net>
> "I don't believe in philosophies. I believe in fundamentals." --Jack
> Nicklaus
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Received on Fri Feb 29 11:20:24 2008
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