> Thank You
You're welcome.
> I have installed your Newton Book Reader and it works.
That's good.
> I wouldn't be comfortable using it to read books on my computer but I
> used it to extract the text from a couple of Newton books and pasted
> them into a word processor.
It'll become quite a bit more comfortable within the next few
versions. The very next version is focusing on the remaining Newton
Press supported features that are currently lacking in the extension:
basically images, both the regular inline ones and the icons used to
display the book on the Newton's screen. This has proven to be kind
of a bear, as the image formats supported are on the one hand pretty
rich and are on the other hand pretty well ignored by the JavaScript
community. I had expected to get it done a long time ago, but the
combination of the scale of the image support and a few real-world
events (I'm a dad again!) contributed to a big delay between releases.
Most of the user preferences should make it into the following
version. The user preferences will include both bookmarks and the
ability to scale up the screen (the current display is extremely close
to what you'll see on a real Newton) for easier reading. Once both of
those features are in place, it shouldn't be too bad using it for real
The next release will focus on some remaining esoteric features
supported by the format but not supported by Newton Press (and thus
not widely found out in the wild) and the next few releases after that
will focus on code clean-up and performance.
> Very nice
Thanks, I'm glad you like it.
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Received on Wed Jun 11 17:37:12 2008
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