[NTLK] reset my emate?

From: Jeff Kidman <imjafj_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Sun Jun 29 2008 - 13:32:00 EDT

So, I got my emate to connect with a serial connection, and also with TCP/IP, though I'm not sure what finally got the TCP/IP working. Seems all the settings are the same now as when it wasn't working? (for the serial connection I got a serial to DB9 adapter on ebay, and then used a keyspan DB9 to USB adapter that I have)

I periodically get some errors though. 48807 is "Undefined variable"
Don't know what that means, but it has come up multiple times.

Once I got error 202453780, which is not in the error database, and once a 4.

1. If I back up the data, then do a hard reset, is that a good idea? Might it fix the errors?
Or am I making too much of those errors?
Also, will works still be there after a hard reset?

2. I have successfully got the serial connection going at 115200.
If I do a hard reset, how do I tell my mac (OS 10.4) to listen at the old speed again?
(since the emate won't have the 115200 extension) I used the Terminal command which is in the NCX use guide:
defaults write com.newton.connection BaudRate -int 115200

Ok that's all the questions for the moment.



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Received on Sun Jun 29 13:32:00 2008

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