>Either get BasiliskII and install everything that is needed to program
>in "C" and StrongARM, or try to set up a cross assembler on OS X. I
>believe that there is a package maker for assembler code out there.
Ideally, I'd like to code in NewtonScript
>However, be prepared for a bunch of traps on NewtonOS when not
>programming in Newton Script: [snip]
... for this reason!
>I suggest reading the inros to NewtonScript. It is a pretty cool
>language! And since you know Java, you willl find a lot of concepts in
>modern Java that were taken from Newton OS.
I've got a bunch of PDF documentation that I'll be wading through soon, but I'm still not clear on what to download. As I understand it from your post, BasiliskII is for programing in "C", but what's around for NewtonScript? Sorry for the dumb questions.
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Received on Mon Mar 3 06:24:03 2008
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