Ah, but there are Tablet PC's smaller than newtons even. But the problem
is none has the super integrated suite of PIM applications newton had.
I know people in the list tends to laud Newton's HWR, but I think the
great newton boon was it's initial suite of apps. To quote again Yaeger:
>It had every feature in the world, but I had to give it up,
>as the software was horribly buggy (I had to keep rebooting
>my phone, really), the integration with the phone functionality
>was laughable (but only to keep from crying), launching their
>built-in web browser immediately terminated their built-in
>VPN (thus making the device unusable in many environments,
>including the Indiana University campus, where I work
>these days), when the batteries drained it forgot everything,
>including the owner info, contact list, etc., and synchronizing
>with my Mac was possible but more than a little problematic.
This nicely sums what happens with most modern PDA's. I've purchased a
Palm T|X, a couple of iPaqs; even tried a Sharp Zaurus.
The Windows CE devices NEED to be near a computer to be really useful.
The Palm is too dependable too. The Zaurus I tried had no real
usefulness: It kept hanging on the most basic tasks (and the friend that
lent me this gadget told me -just install another distro...).
I only need a computer near the newton to transfer new applications
(NewtonPaint, for example).
The simple-yet-powerful newton agenda (Names) was perfect for me. It
allowed me to separate my friends from my customers easily. I could make
different entries for places than for people, and it treated it
differently too!
This discrimination made the use of Dates easier, for example.
Now, fast forward 10 years in the future. We now have decent HWR in the
form of Windows XP tablet PC edition (and I guess Mac OS X Inkwell but I
have not tried it). WHERE IS THE KILLER-PIM?
Outlook is too big. I guess is okay for bussinessman, but it doesn't let
me sort my "online friends" by nickname and it keeps botchering the
entries when syncinc. Most of my friends don't have fax number... heck,
most of my friends don't have Physical Phone either? Why it is more
important those fields than, let's see, email and cellular? Why I cannot
choose what to show?
I still keep my newton as a backup for my Pen and Paper agenda. Finally
a tech that is reliable and configurable!
Rod escribió:
> It is a real shame that no one built a tablet pc the size of a Newton.
> A full size laptop with the screen swivelled is just too big.
> Seeya
> Rod
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