Well, here is what I'd suggest for games...
Solo Deluxe... the most addictive Solitare game I've yet to play.
Various Tetris and Minesweeper.
The Nintendo emulator is interesting.
Bricks (Breakout).
Motile (obstacle course game)
Sub Hunt (A destroyer dropping depth charges on subs... great game)
Bug Hunt (A great game where you smash bugs... kinda gets too difficult
too quickly though)
DeepSpaceNewt - Star Trek game where you can be either the federation,
or the Klingons! :D
Yazi (Yet Another Z Interpreter) good for a bunch of text adventures
you can find online.
NewtHack (Good dungeon game... getting it registered might be a
And while you are playing these you can sometimes get away with playing
music on the ModPlayer for a little bit of game music!
Have fun!
Doc Clu
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Received on Mon Mar 17 09:23:54 2008
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