Welcome to the Newton.
On Mar 21, 2008, at 9:37 AM, Jaeden Amero wrote:
> I'm a new Newton user, so I haven't discovered how to do everything
> I'd like to yet. I've got this sweet Newton 2100, but I am struggling
> to install some packages onto it. I don't have a serial dongle for the
> device, so I can't install packages on it the normal way. I also have
> an eMate. I would like to install packages onto the eMate and then
> transfer them to the 2100 via infrared. Is this method feasible? Which
> additional software do I need, if any, on either the eMate or the 2100
> in order to accomplish this task?
You should have no problem beaming between the eMate and the 2100.
Some packages may be copy protected and not allow moving from one
store to another or to be beamed. To solve this install eeUnprotect
on the eMate the also beam it to the 2100.
see <http://www.unna.org/view.php?/utilites/system_enhancements/EEUnProtect
> According to this page on WikiWikiNewt
> <http://tools.unna.org/wikiwikinewt/index.php/BootStrapping>, there
> exists a program to enable Newtons to beam packages to each other.
> However, one of the authors states that he can't remember enough to
> provide a link to the software or remember its name.
I believe this is a reference to the above package.
> I've looked around on other WikiWikiNewt pages, like
> <http://tools.unna.org/wikiwikinewt/index.php/IrDAConnection>. That
> particular page has a bullet point that says "Beam stuff between MP
> 2x00 or eMates", but no more information than that. I looked through
> the UNNA archive, but only found software for non OS 2.1 Newtons, but
> pehaps I just missed it. With multiple references to the process in
> WikiWikiNewt, I'm surprised I couldn't find much more information
> elsewhere.
Beaming between Newtons is a built in function and should proceed
without difficulty. They need to be close enough together and have
the IR ports pointed toward one another. Earlier Newtons didn't do
well if the lights were too bright but the eMate and 2100 seem to do ok,
Using the IR port on early iMacs and powerbooks did not allow for a
connection but Dil tester and then later IRDA Package Installer, did
allow you to install packages via IRDA.
Beaming between Newton and Palm devices is also discussed under this
> My main goal is to install Hiroshi Noguchi's WiFi drivers and the
> patch "More WiFi Cards" to enable more cards. This should allow me to
> use my Compaq WL110 card with the 2100 to perform future package
> installs via WiFi connection with a computer or direct internet
> download (although I haven't decided which web applications for web
> browsing and email to install yet).
This is something that should be able to do. FIRST INSTALL eeUnprotect.
I don't knpw whether that card will work or which additional drivers
you need but follow a setup such as Frank's
only install More WiFi or Lantern if you need them.
Good Luck
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Received on Fri Mar 21 11:23:16 2008
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