Smoking is bad...mmm-kay?
There was a thread in the archives about this...some judicious searches will turn out what you want..
web/gadget gur (download Newton packages)
Simon Jensen-Fellows <> wrote:
I just bought a beautiful eMate to go with my 2100. Since it didn't
come with a power adapter, I also bought a third party power supply
and sure enough, the moment I plugged it in it began smoking.
Disassembling it, the only component with visible damage is the DZ1.
Everything else about this eMate is literally in brand spanking new
Since I work for a major consumer of semiconductors, sourcing a
replacement and soldering it is not a problem. However, I wonder what
the likelihood of the DZ1 (or, TPSMB10) being the only component
needing replacement is ?
What else is likely to be damaged ? I have access to test equipment
and reasonable technical ability.
Thanks in anticipation.
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Never mind that we just had an incredibly cold winter in North America and huge record snowfalls across the continent. As Al Gore said to a bunch of us the other day, these record cold spells and record snowfalls are actually caused by global warming. To which Jerry York replied, "Jeez then I guess we better stop this global warming before we all f**king freeze to death, eh?"
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Received on Thu Mar 27 02:06:29 2008
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