Re: [NTLK] Inkwell and cursive HWR in OS X

From: Martin Joseph <>
Date: Wed May 07 2008 - 14:59:08 EDT

On May 7, 2008, at 10:46 AM, Lord Groundhog wrote:
> At the risk of sounding ignorant (as good a word as any) could
> someone tell
> me, what is the standard of HWR in Einstein, and how is it
> accomplished? Is
> it ParaGraph/Apple, or did they have to do something else to avoid
> legal
> conflict?
Einstein is using the MP2100 ROM so it's the same as your Newton.
> The more of this thread I read, the more desperate I start to
> feel. All
> things break down; sooner or later it's inevitable that I'll be
> forced to
> rip my dead right arm and right leg from my body and bury th-- err,
> I mean,
> forced to close the door of Newt for the last time and submit its dead
> remains for recycling and disposal. After that, if Apple or
> somebody hasn't
> given us a new Newton -- I mean the real thing, with full and
> proper data
> integration, the ability to sketch and draw in a Note, genuine,
> full-blooded, real-time HWR, and all the rest (and let's not forget
> Assist!)
> -- well, what am I supposed to do for the rest of my life?
I would also like to add that at the World Wide Newton conference in
SF (2006?) the handwriting/ print recognizers where discussed in
detail and despite the high opinions most people have for the print
recognizer (me too), it was agreed that it's quite archaic and poor
by modern standards. This is due to it's original design which had
work on the Newton (limited space and NO LEARNING) as well as Apple's
lack of development effort (Inkwell is basically stuck in a time warp
from Newton times.

People at the conference who know far more then me about handwriting
recognizers quietly stated that it was very poor compared to modern
recognizers available on other platforms.

I would also like to restate that the developer of the Newton's print
recognizer stated that the print recognizer does NOT LEARN at all
about how you write. This is constantly mischaracterized here on the
list, and it should be understood that while you might learn to make
it work better, it's not going to learn how you write.

Gary did suggest that it wouldn't be a very hard thing to add some
learning to the print recognizer (now inkwell), and he even seemed to
have thought through a couple of new user interface elements that
would be needed. He did state that at that time Apple had all but
abandoned development of Inkwell, and that he was the only one
working on it.


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Received on Wed May 7 14:58:37 2008

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