Am 28.08.2009 um 09:37 schrieb
> Hi friends,
> the last days I'd opportunity to use several cell phones for testing.
> I used the iPhone, the Nokia E71 and some quite "normal" phones.
> Doing that in a more intensive way than normally I realized that
> writing SMS (and similar textbased parts) isn't very comfortable
> neither with keys nor with touchscreen.
> As I use my cell phone most of the time for just speaking it was the
> first time to get such a disappointing impression.
> And it was the first time to acknowledge that HWR is a unique option.
> So let me ask please:
> What were the hardware & software solutions out there for our Newton
> MessagePad?
> Which modem with speaking ability was produced / is/was capable to be
> used for voice and SMS?
> Regards
> Stefan
Hello all, hello Stefan.
To my knowledge there was only one GSM data card
that you can telephone with,
the Nokia Card Phone 2.0 (RPM-1),
which fits neatly in one of the MP2K PCMCIA slots.
It should at least work all over Europe.
STEFAN AUWEILER programmed NewtSMS+,
a very fine application that you can use not only to send SMS,
but also to telephone using the Card Phone.
The Card Phone drains the battery of the poor Newt in a very short time,
but it does work, and you have the bulkiest
and most versatile cell phone you can imagine.
It would be even nicer if you could use the Newt's microphone and
but the Card Phone does not seem to support this. Insatead you use a
which gives you free hands to write down notes on the Newt while
The application cooperates with the Newton Address Book,
SMS are stored in the Notes.
The software seems to hang after a longer amount of standby time,
at least on my German 2100,
(possibly a memory leak, I can't tell, I'm sure Stefan can),
but it's very useful, and, of course, a lot of fun.
Have a nice weekend, y'all.
Finke und Freunde.
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