[NTLK] CNET: Newton verses iPhone

Mark Rollins mark at mrollins.com
Sun Dec 6 12:15:46 EST 2009

On Dec 1, 2009, at 3:00 PM, newtontalk-request at newtontalk.net wrote:

> [NTLK] CNET: Newton verses iPhone

Folks, don't kid ourselves. As someone who has used both, the Newton  
can APPEAR to best the iPhone under certain circumstances.
For example yes you CAN sync songs Via iTunes  on the Newt.
A few dozen songs on whatever paltry memory card you have.
In glorious mono
With no cover art

The Newton especially in its final version was revolutionary. It was  
also arguably TOO ahead of its time with no wifi, phone, color, GPS,  
memory, etc. as these technologies were still too expensive or just  
plain big.

The iPhone improves on that in a host of ways, from viewing Word email  
attachments to WiFi and 3G connectivity, and GPS.

I do miss handwriting recognition and wish there was a larger  
keyboard, but the iphone is at least 5x the functionality in 1/3 the  

I also think that we will see a larger iPhone/Mac slate (given whom  
Apple has been hiring and their recent trademark re-purchase of  
"TabletMac") which will be all the "Newton 3" could've been and more.

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